‘Humbly Revolutionizing Streetlights’

~ StreetLighTechnology in cooperation with ENVIOTECH

Team StreetLighTechnology (drei Schüler aus Eschborn) auf der Samsung Solve for Tomorrow Challenge-Bühne in Berlin mit dem Bürgermeister der Stadt Eschborn, Adnan Shaikh.

1st Place

Samsung Solve for Tomorrow 2022

Three Students from Eschborn

We are a team of three environmentally conscious students from the city of Eschborn, on a mission to make a significant contribution to climate protection and energy efficiency in our cities through intelligent street lighting.

With this idea, we applied for the Samsung Solve For Tomorrow 2022 competition – and after two pitch events, we secured first place nationwide.

Our Story

The story of StreetLighTechnology began quite unexpectedly in June 2022, when Samsung's Solve For Tomorrow competition was promoted at our school. On short notice, we submitted our idea under the name "Street Lightelligence," which involved a "strategic dimming" of streetlights—without high expectations. We were very surprised when we were invited to the first pitch round at Samsung, as the youngest team by far.

Our excitement grew even more when we qualified for the final round. Thanks to the amazing support from our Samsung mentors, we were able to refine our idea so effectively that we ultimately won first place nationwide at the final pitches in Berlin.

As a result, we became part of the IMPACT phase, an accelerator with close support from Ekipa and Samsung. Through useful workshops and customized thematic sprints, we were able to significantly advance our idea and project, whether it was in terms of corporate identity, overall concept, or prototype development.

After 9 months, at the conclusion of the IMPACT accelerator, we emerged under our new name "StreetLighTechnology" with a clear future plan – in cooperation with ENVIOTECH.

Through ENVIOTECH, a pilot project with the city of Eschborn has now been planned, with the goal of testing the product maturity of the prototype and further developing it towards market readiness.
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The Idea & The Product

The technology behind the product is based on advanced brightness and motion sensors, which are capable of automatically adjusting the lighting depending on whether people or vehicles are nearby. This ensures efficient use of the lighting and prevents unnecessary energy waste.

Das Gerät soll sich nahtlos in fast alle bestehenden Straßenbeleuchtungssysteme integrieren.

The benefits are numerous. Through the intelligent control of streetlights, significant monthly savings are achieved, as the lighting only switches to full power when it is truly needed. This has a positive financial impact on operators, allowing them to allocate their resources more efficiently elsewhere.

In addition, the intelligent lighting systems make a significant contribution to environmental protection. By reducing light pollution, the night sky becomes more visible, and natural darkness returns. This helps preserve biodiversity and creates a more pleasant and healthier environment for both people and animals. Furthermore, efficient lighting control reduces greenhouse gas emissions and the ecological footprint, contributing to more sustainable and climate-friendly urban development.

Artikel vom Team StreetLighTechnology aus der Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung (FAZ), in Kooperation mit ENVIOTECH.

On July 19, 2023, an article was published in the F.A.Z. featuring us as a student team, as well as the concept and product of our cooperation partner ENVIOTECH. Note: It may be a paid F+ article [€].

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“Humbly Revolutionizing Streetlights”
~ StreetLighTechnology in cooperation with ENVIOTECH